5 things you should not do to keep your hair thick
There are many ways in which we spoil the texture of the hair, which leads to its deterioration and loss. We often unknowingly damage our curls with our everyday habits.
Here is a list of things that trichologists do not recommend doing to preserve hair thickness.
Wash very often. Frequent shampooing can seriously damage your hair. The large amount of chemicals they contain wash away the natural oils from the skin, making it dry, dull and weak from the roots.
Apply conditioner to the scalp. Hair field washing is important. conditioning – this helps to preserve their structure and smoothness, makes them better protected from damage. But the conditioner should always be applied strictly to the hair, as its application to the scalp clogs its pores and impairs blood supply. As a result, the hair follicles weaken and the hair falls out.
Hold your hair tight for a long time. Putting your hair in buns or a ponytail is very convenient, especially if it is very hot, but it damages the curls. Long-term tightening weakens its roots and damages the scalp. For those who are used to having their hair tied up, it is necessary to loosen it from time to time and let it rest.
Comb often. Excessive combing makes the roots weak and leads to a lot of hair loss.
Combing wet hair: This habit leads to brittleness and hair loss, and also weakens the roots. Allow the hair to dry naturally for some time, then gently comb it with a fine-toothed comb. Until then, it's better to use your fingers.
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