5 tips for a healthy back from the German Society of Orthopedics

Most people feel the pain in the back is stronger, then weaker. Better prevention? Be active.

5 tips for a healthy back from the German Society of Orthopedics

There is no doubt about it: back pain is a common disease. However, it should be added that this is often self-inflicted suffering. Because lack of exercise is a possible trigger. Instead, those who lead a regularly active lifestyle strengthen their back muscles and relax their spine, explains the German Society for Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery (DGOU).

Intervertebral discs and joints also benefit from alternating stress and relief – it is safe to say: without movement there is no back.

Five tips for everyday life

Daily dose of activity: How you move is of secondary importance. Any kind of activity, from walking to climbing, is good for the back. But it should be at least 30 minutes a day. Expert advice: Since even half an hour can be daunting for some, you should divide the session into three parts and consciously move three times a day for about ten minutes.

Variety at work: people who work at a desk often don't move enough. Two simple steps: Change your sitting position frequently and get up regularly to stretch.

Watch your weight: Lack of exercise and fewer snacks than usual can lead to unwanted pounds . This can put strain on the back because the muscles are under more stress due to the increased body weight.

Set morning routine: If you do something for your health, as soon as you get up, it gives you motivation for the day – and your back is happy too. You don't need to overdo it: ten minutes of gymnastics and stretching exercises are enough.

Control stress: lack of muscles is far from the only trigger for a pinched back. According to Holchmitt, the psyche can also contribute to pain. If possible, you should definitely avoid constant stress and disconnect regularly. If yoga or autogenic training is not for you, you can, for example, take a walk in the forest.

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Author: alex

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