5 tips for losing weight without feeling hungry
The only way to lose weight is to create a calorie deficit, in which your calorie expenditure exceeds your intake. But how to do it without starving?
Experts from the University of Cambridge have given some tips on how to achieve weight loss by adjusting your diet, allowing you not to go on diets and starve.
Eat low-calorie foods. According to scientists, low-calorie foods can be consumed in fairly large quantities, which eliminates the psychological effect of malnutrition.
Eat protein. According to nutritionist Rachel Clarkson, protein is very important for a feeling of satiety. When protein enters the stomach, the body suppresses the feeling of hunger.
More fiber. The diet of those who are losing weight must necessarily include foods rich in fiber – primarily vegetables that do not contain starch. Whole grains and fruits are also useful.
Eat healthy fats. If you want to lose weight, include nuts, olive oil, and avocados in your diet. These foods contain fats, improve digestion, and help actively eliminate waste products from the body that result from metabolism.
Drink water. Experts advise drinking water during meals. According to them, water, by helping the fiber in the stomach swell, makes you feel full faster.
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