5 tips for maintaining blood pressure
In recent years, diseases of the cardiovascular system have become more and more common. The leading positions among all diseases are, in particular, hypertension and hypotension – that is, an increase or decrease in blood pressure, against the background of which the patient often suffers from headaches, weakness, arrhythmia and other unpleasant symptoms.
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To normalize the pressure, doctors prescribe special drugs and advise you to follow certain recommendations regarding lifestyle and nutrition, which is also important for maintaining good health. We have collected for you 5 good tips that will help you keep your pressure under control and feel great.
Control the amount of salt in your diet
Salt consumption is the most important factor affecting blood pressure. The level of sodium in the body affects the ability of the kidneys to remove excess fluid: with its excess, it is difficult for the kidneys to fully perform their function, which ultimately leads to fluid retention, increasing the load on blood vessels, which leads to increased pressure.
By the way, it is precisely because of this effect on the body that patients have a desire to eat something very salty with a sudden drop in pressure.
Adjust your daily diet
In addition to the salt in your diet, what you eat in general affects your blood pressure. For patients suffering from blood pressure drops (both hypertensive and hypotensive), a balanced diet with the required amount of macronutrients is very important.
So, experts recommend daily consumption of complex carbohydrates, lean protein (chicken, veal, turkey, etc.) and lots of fruits and vegetables. In addition, you should minimize the level of saturated fats and foods rich in cholesterol in the menu.
Limit yourself in alcohol
Alcohol has a dehydrating effect on the body, due to which its hydration level decreases (to a certain extent). Therefore, with the consumption of alcohol in small quantities, the pressure decreases, with its excess, it increases, and with frequent use, it can completely lead to its uncontrolled drops. Moreover, alcohol neutralizes the effect of cardiac drugs, which negates the effectiveness of therapy.
Exercise regularly
Ideally, physical activity should be a part of every person's daily routine (for example, running, morning yoga, awakening gymnastics, etc.). But moderate daily exercise is especially important for people with high or low blood pressure.
Yes, exercise improves blood circulation, relieves stress, and also helps control weight, which in combination contributes to the normalization of pressure. Talk to your doctor about the best sports for you. You will probably find one that suits you.
Don't be afraid of the sun
Studies have shown that people who do not get enough sunlight or suffer from vitamin D deficiency, are more prone than others to the development of hypertension.
So you should not be afraid of bright rays. But there is no point in extremes here – it is not about selfless sitting under the scorching daytime sun at all, but about the need for dosed sunbathing at safe hours – in the morning or in the evening.
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