5 tips for those who constantly pull everything on themselves


Psychologists and sociologists so often say that you need to take care of yourself that the very concept of this care is becoming more and more blurred. Usually, by it, they mean something that brings us pleasure. “You are completely exhausted at work. It's time to take care of yourself. Do yoga. Walk, such a good weather on the street! Go to the beauty salon. Take a fragrant bath. Rest! ”

It is very important to pamper yourself from time to time. When you feel depressed, sometimes you just need to get yourself rest and have fun. Sometimes it is reminiscent of a slide pill that you do not want to drink creepy, though it is necessary for recovery.

But is we always just nice for us? In fact, the concept of care is much broader. And it is necessary to understand not pleasant things. This concern is related to work on yourself, with adult actions and difficult decisions that you may be condemned. But sooner or later you will realize that without these decisions can not do. Whereas to take care of yourself? Is there at all at least one person they like? Some of us visit the dentist at best every three years. And about hiking to a gynecologist, urologist and similar charms should not be said at all.

The hardest thing to make yourself go to a doctor when you are depressed or you are worried about something. The depressed part of you is indifferent that you can be sick. In fact, she is indifferent. In a state of anxiety, it is scary to record the reception. And if you are told that something is wrong with you? And if the nurse tells you rudeness? If the doctor will press on you? If you have to go to the doctor by the end of your days, because you will not be able to find your half? Yes, it sounds stupid, but sometimes many of us visit similar thoughts. You understand that some illnesses you still have to pick up.

In this sense, worrying yourself means that you need to see a doctor in a timely manner when you feel that something is wrong with you, and not to forget about preventive visits to your doctor. Even if you consider yourself a superman and it is difficult to admit that sometimes you need medical care.

>Don't be afraid to give up

sometimes it can be difficult to say no. Especially if you are used to reaching the goals and do everything carefully. It is not easy to change your work, to give up a difficult relationship, to give a friend a dog that you do not have enough time. You have to admit that you can't handle and something is beyond your capabilities. And it's extremely unpleasant.

When psychologists are advised to set boundaries, avoid excessive loads and do not take over excessive obligations, it seems that they talk about simple and obvious things. In fact, it is not fun to explain to the supervisor why you are increasingly taking “because of illness”. Even less pleasant to admit that you will not pull full -time work and go from the present place.Yes, you can feel weak, lazy and irresponsible. But deeply in the soul you will know what you are doing right. And over time, you will just see the right choice. It's really not so easy. You can never predict the other people's reaction. They have the right to deny you.

And even if you have a wonderful relationship with your family and friends, it is not easy to ask for help. You will worry about whether you will make your parents worry about you, whether your depression will be passed to your friends. Or people close to you may think that you do not have enough care and love that they do something wrong. It may seem that you will have to choose to endure your pain in silence and to bring pain to others.

But this is a misconception. Your loved ones will worry much more if you hide the reasons for your experiences. Yes, you need to study the arts competently for help. But if you try to do it, you will realize that everything is not really so scary. Working on relationships means honestly and frankly talking to loved ones what you need, what you want and what you don't want. In addition, you have to make efforts to support dear people and show them your love.

Even if you are depressed and literally to anyone and to anything, it does not make you the center of the universe and does not give you the right to bad behavior.

take care of loved ones, because these are those people who take care of you. Clearly. Pay your accounts. Sometimes finance is very difficult to start control. Especially if you can not master yourself in other issues. Sometimes it is scary to even check the status of your bank account, because then you will condemn yourself for how much money you have spent on unnecessary things or lunch in a cafe.

Find a way to track your costs. If you are sure that you will have enough money for everything you need, then you will feel much more confident.

If you manage everything above, you can be proud of yourself. In some moments of our lives, to take care of ourselves in such not quite pleasant ways is especially difficult. But you can do it.

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Author: alex

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