5 tricks for making delicious and beautiful pancakes

Tender and lacy pancakes are the pride of any hostess , who loves and knows how to cook for herself and her loved ones. Experienced chefs have named 5 tricks for making pancakes, thanks to which this dish will turn out to be truly perfect.


The tastiest pancakes are made from a mixture of wheat and buckwheat flour.

Especially lightness the combination of two ingredients – milk and mineral water – will add to the dish.

And what better way to add egg yolks and whites? If you put only egg whites, the dough will be very viscous. If you add only yolks, the dish will be soft and tender, but the pancakes will tear easily.

It is important not to overheat the pan. Otherwise, bubbles will form on the pancakes during baking. In addition, pancakes are more difficult to remove from the pan.

So that the dough does not burn, the pan should be rubbed with salt before frying. Then the pancakes will turn over easily and will not tear.

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Author: alex

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