5 types of medicines for cores that can harm other organs


These medicines are used to combat disorders in the cardiovascular system, but with their side effects they are able to impair the condition of other organs and harm the body.

acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin). .His administration is prescribed to patients for the prevention of thrombosis. For example, prolonged use of these drugs is intended by a plan for rehabilitation in patients undergoing stents installation that expand the arteries. and intestines. One of the most dangerous side effects of aspirin, scientists call its ability to cause internal bleeding – most often in the stomach, but in rare cases in the brain, which can cause stroke.

diuretics (diuretics). Strong>These drugs are often prescribed for patients with heart failure who is well familiar with the problem of swelling in the legs. Liquid retention in tissues is an additional load on the cardiovascular system, while diuretics, removing it, reduce it. Weakness, dizziness. In addition, when receiving these funds, some patients complain of heart pain.

glycoside. They are prescribed as a rule in arrhythmia. When taking glycosides, it is extremely important to observe the proposed dosage and regimen of the drug. If you ignore these points, you can get even greater heart problems, up to it stopping-glycosides can adversely affect the heart rate and conductivity of heart pulses.

beta-blockers. This type is prescribed to patients who have experienced a heart attack, and in cases where arrhythmia, angina, hypertension, ischemia are diagnosed. In this group of drugs there are so-called non-selective beta-blockers, which act immediately on the whole body. Their administration can be harmful to exacerbations of bronchial asthma or obstructive bronchitis and hypoglycemia, as well as impaired potency, the development of depression.

nitroglycerin. Side effects of its use in humans can be sufficiently severe headaches and a sharp decrease in blood pressure.

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Author: alex

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