5 Useful products for a healthy breakfast


Breakfast is of great importance for the whole day of humans, as it provides it with the necessary internal energy. And here are the 5 most useful products that we are best consumed in the morning.

chia seeds. saturated with dietary fibers, protect our heart. They give the body freshness and cooling. They contain antioxidants, which means that they have anti -inflammatory effect. Chia seeds also reduce blood sugar.

berries. The easiest way to get the most useful breakfast for health is to include fruits. And the best choice among fruits will be berries. Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries and blueberries are saturated with fibers, they have a great taste, contains antioxidants and low sugar.

yogurt. Add to this product that contains probiotics, nuts and honey for the intestine

green tea. It is a wonderful antioxidant that cleanses the body and promotes overweight. A cup of green tea in the morning refreshes and protects against all kinds of ailments.

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Author: alex

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