5 ways to get rid of sore throat


Throat pain causes severe discomfort and interfere with normal daytime activity. Fortunately, in addition to medication and rinsing, there are natural methods of combating this disorder.

salt water. the simplest and most effective method. Mix a small amount of salt with water in a ratio of half a teaspoon per 100 ml. Rinse with this solution, but it is desirable that the water is warm. Salt helps to remove mucus from inflamed tissue. Honey reduces the degree of dryness in the throat and helps to lubricate it. In addition, it brings relief from uncomfortable symptoms in the throat.

more water. without water in the body of saliva and mucus stops. And this enhances the processes of inflammation. There is no water replacement because coffee and tea will only worsen your condition.

lollipop. In addition, they also increase the production of saliva required to lubricate the throat.

an additional pillow. And if you breathe through your mouth, then the dryness of the throat only increases, the level of inflammation increases.

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Author: alex

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