5 ways to use “greens” on a suburban area
The greens are mostly used in medicine. But the effect of pathogens is not limited to the human body. Therefore, green can be used to combat various fungal diseases on the backyard. The problem is that the ailment sleeps for a long time, and manifests itself when cold rainy weather or severe heat occurs. In the case of root rot should be done immediately, but it is important to look comprehensively here.
For example, if this disease was previously found on the site, it makes sense to perform preventive treatment. In order to protect the vegetable from this disease, in adverse conditions, the base of the cucumber stem should be greased to a height of up to 10 centimeters.
the procedure should be performed weekly. Green is diluted with water in ratio 1 to 2.
- 8 liters of water;
- 2 liters of whey;
- 5 ml of green. It is important to achieve complete disappearance of signs of the disease. This solution can also be used on currants, raspberries and gooseberries.
It should be noted that this method is suitable only if the disease is at an early stage of development. If the disease is constantly progressing, folk methods should be abandoned, as you can lose a large part of the crop. Typically, many cottagers ignore this problem, considering it insignificant, but it is a key mistake.
There is an easy way: you need to treat the wound with green with a cotton swab. This process takes a little time, so it should not be ignored. Leaving the branches without processing, the risks are significantly increasing. In this case, you can prepare a solution consisting of:
- 9 liters of water;
- 10 ml of green;
- a liter of milk. Speaking of July treatment, it will not completely get rid of the disease, it is only a prevention. You should not hope for a good result. Phytophtosis is a dangerous disease that can destroy a significant part of the crop in the short term. Therefore, when it occurs, it is more efficient to use quality chemicals. To prepare the solution, mix 10 liters of water and 3 ml of greens. The processing should be performed twice.
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