6 alarming symptoms that can talk about infertility


The problem of conception faces a lot of family couples. In a third of cases, the cause of a woman's health. Unfortunately, not everyone pays attention to anxious symptoms that can talk about infertility. More – in the material.Irregular menstruation can cause infertility. With this symptom, the body can indicate that there are reproductive problems. If you try to conceive a baby, you should first check the menstrual cycle. They come too often or come too rarely menstruation most often indicate problems with conception. The cause of your anxiety should also be brown discharge that can or intermittent bleeding between cycles.If chronic pelvic pain occurs during sexual intercourse or bowel movements, it can be a symptom of endometriosis. This disease is common in women of reproductive age. Endometriosis is also accompanied by abundant or painful menstruation. The disease is the growth of cells of the mucous membrane of the inner uterine cavity beyond it, for example, in the ovaries. Endometriosis often becomes a symptom of infertility.

hard hair in unusual places

It would seem what is the relationship between hair and infertility. But in fact, dark stripes on the lip, chin, neck or abdomen can be a symptom of ovarian polycystic disease. This negative destruction can be an alarming sign of infertility. If there is excessive hair on the face, then it is a reason to look including a gynecologist.If you are not pregnant and breastfeeding, whitish discharge from the nipples can cause trouble. Most often it is about increased prolactin level – the hormone responsible for breast milk production. This symptom is often considered harmless. But it can also be a sign of infertility. After all, discharge from the nipples can also be caused by problems with the thyroid gland or benign tumor. In this case, it is better to visit an endocrinologist. Often, women enter this stage up to 50 years, but sometimes it can continue to be an average age. Early menopause is often inherited. This is usually a sign of reproduction problems. Infertility can be one of these problems. The lack of obvious problems can be much more serious than you imagine. As a rule, the doctor in this case go too late.

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Author: alex

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