6 best products for detox


To arrange a general cleaning of your body, it is enough to eat these products regularly. They will help to adjust the digestive system, improve skin, hair and nails.


One of the most effective products that help cleanse the body is lemon. It is no coincidence that no detox program is complete without it, we recommend starting every morning with a glass of water with lemon. This useful drink stimulates digestion, improves blood circulation and promotes better digestion and digestion.It contains many pectins that help remove harmful substances from the body. In addition, beets are rich in vitamin C and various minerals. For example, there is a lot of potassium in beet that is useful for muscle function, and manganese, an indispensable element for bone, liver and kidney health. It also contains iodine, magnesium salts and chlorine that cleans the liver, kidneys and gallbladder. Vitamin A and beta-carotene shock cocktail moisturizes the skin and helps to recover damaged cells faster, and also get a good tan and keep it longer.It is also called a natural antibiotic – because with regular use, ginger helps to cleanse the body of harmful microorganisms, strengthen the immune system and even has an analgesic effect. And, of course, it is a great product for detox – it not only stimulates digestion, but also promotes the removal of toxins with sweat through the skin. It actively removes slag and toxins, and also helps to restore the electrolyte balance. If you use celery regularly, the digestive system improves and you can forget about such troubles as constipation, flatulence, gastric spasms and heartburn. First, it normalizes metabolism and helps to lose weight. Secondly, apple fiber cleanses the intestines and has a beneficial effect on the microflora, helps to better absorb healthy vegetables and fruit dishes. Third, natural malic acid destroys pathogenic bacteria.

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Author: alex

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