6 best teas that improve falling asleep and fight with insomnia
Herbal teas. Modern studies also confirm the ability of herbal teas to improve falling asleep and night rest.
good sleep is crucial for overall health. But nowadays, almost 30% of people suffer from insomnia or chronic inability to fall asleep. A drink such as tea can be a simple remedy that helps you get your sleep.
chamomile. Chamomile tea is used as a natural remedy to reduce inflammation, increased anxiety and anxiety, and overcoming insomnia. Its soothing effect can be explained by an antioxidant called apigenin: it binds to specific brain receptors that contribute to relaxation and falling asleep. Improvement of falling asleep and sleep due to the effect of chamomile tea is felt after 2 weeks of its use. In the US, a study conducted in 60 nursing homes showed that those who received 400 mg of chamomile extract a day, the quality of sleep was much better than those who did not receive.Valerian is a herb that has been used in the last centuries to treat problems such as insomnia, nervousness and headaches. Some studies confirm that valerian root is an effective remedy for sleep. Scientists do not quite understand how valerian root works to improve sleep. It probably increases the levels of neurotransmitter, called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). When GABA is abundant, it increases drowsiness. Фактично за цим же принципом працюють певні протитривожні препарати, наприклад, ксанакс.
Лаванда.У стародавні часи греки і римляни часто додавали лаванду в свої ванни і вдихали її заспокійливий аромат. Lavender tea is recommended as a drink that helps to relax, soothe nerves and is easier to fall asleep. A study with 67 women with insomnia showed that inhaling lavender aroma twice a week for 20 minutes leads to a decrease in heart rate and heart rate variability, as well as sleep improvement. aromatherapy, they are also dried for tea. Its use can reduce the symptoms associated with insomnia. According to the results of experiments on mice, lemon balm increases the level of GABA and can act as a sedative.
passionflora. Tea is prepared from dried leaves, flowers and stems of the Pasiflora plant. This plant has the ability to facilitate anxiety and help fall asleep. A study with the participation of 40 patients showed that those who drank tea with passiflora daily during the week reported a much better sleep quality than participants who did not drink tea. In addition, it is established that passionflora can effectively reduce the symptoms of insomnia in combination with the root of valerian and hops. Currently, the plant is highly valued for its soothing effect. Its sedative effect is considered to be associated with the effect of the substance of the Honokol, which is abundant in the stems, colors and bark of magnolia plants. In the experiments of Honokol, extracted from magnolia, reduced the time required for falling asleep, and increased the duration of sleep. Magnolia tea is made mainly from the bark of the plant, but may also include buds and stems.
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