6 daily habits that will help to disperse metabolism – in just 5 minutes a day
To lose weight successfully, you need to spend more calories than getting. And to persuade the body to do it, you need to “disperses” your metabolism – a simple recipe, but how to put it in practice? Oddly enough, it is easier than it seems: it is enough every day to help him a little. And especially nice that each of the useful “metabolic” habits will take no more than 5 minutes a day.Sitting lifestyle many experts have already dubbed new smoking – the harm to health from it is no less. Qualitative as a habit of fast food or alcohol. Do a small warm -up: squats, slopes, pulls – everything will agree. And be sure to stroll – at least in the next room and back. The body will tell you thank you.
Intensely train
In order for the metabolism to accelerate, you need to play sports – it is an axiom. And in order for the “wake up” of frozen metabolism, the load must be highly intensive – and short. For example, a skipping rope when a minute or two should be jumping at a redistribution of a possible speed. Do every morning – and notice the difference in a couple of weeks.Fracture nutrition at equal intervals is a great way to lose weight, to arrange digestion and metabolism. , cheese for dinner and nuts.
nutritionists promise that this method allows you to disperse your metabolism by at least 10%. Don't neglect!But only in the morning: these drinks contain a lot of caffeine and a cup drunk in the evening, can prevent you from resting at night. But drunk in the morning or at lunch, tea can speed up metabolism by 5-7%, thanks to the content of substances that help burn fat more intense.
do not forget about a cup of coffee! >
and more precisely, two or three: that is the amount of drink nutritionists consider the best for those who want to lose weight without harm to health. Caffeine contained in coffee helps to burn fat faster. In addition, coffee is a good diuretic and helps to remove excess fluid from the body, struggling with edema. – And in a few days your metabolism will accelerate by 15%! Correct – it is no later than half an hour after awakening. It is in this gap that our body is tuned to the first meal. No need.
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