6 diseases that develop asymptomatically for a long time
These diseases in the initial stages may not be give certain symptoms. When diseases appear, it seems that they occur instantly.
Hypertension.According to statistics, about half of people live with high blood pressure without knowing it. That is why hypertension is called the “silent killer” – developing for a long time without symptoms, it can manifest itself one day in the form of a heart attack, stroke or kidney problems. At the same time, men are more prone to arterial hypertension, which occurs without symptoms.
Diabetes.According to doctors, diabetes is one of the most insidious diseases: its early stages are rarely accompanied by painful sensations and do not always have pronounced symptoms. To notice the signals of diabetes, you need to listen carefully to your body and, of course, know what disorders you need to pay attention to. The first bells of diabetes are dry mouth, thirst, frequent urination, blurred vision. These symptoms are often missed because they seem insignificant in the circumstances of ordinary life and work of people, or they are attributed to other ailments.
Lung cancer. Doctors note that this disease develops for a long time practically asymptomatically, and can appear even in those people who have never smoked in their life.
Polycystic ovary syndrome. With this disease, the female body produces a large amount of male hormones, approximately every tenth woman suffers from it. Experts warn that the presence of polycystic ovary syndrome increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart problems, apnea and endometrial cancer.
Glaucoma. The insidiousness of the disease is that a person may not feel an increase in intraocular pressure for a long time. The eye fluid presses on the optic nerve for a long time, gradually destroying it and the retina. Usually, by the time alarming symptoms become noticeable – a sharp narrowing of the field of vision, impaired visual acuity – doctors determine the death of a large part of the optic nerve.
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