6 errors when growing potatoes that reduce the crop
Potatoes-one of the most important vegetables Asbq can be found in almost every country house. /p>
Incorrect crop rotation
Potatoes, like any crop, requires proper crop rotation. Many gardeners, growing potatoes, save space and plant a crop for several years in a row in the same area.
This turn has a detrimental effect on yields. When growing potatoes, you need to change the planting site regularly. For planting potatoes will be suitable any place except the area where the Solanaceae has previously grown.Potatoes do not tolerate frost. Many summer residents, trying to obtain an early crop, plant tubers to normalize weather conditions. However, at the first decreases of temperature, the tubers freeze and give weak sprouts. Exacerbated material forms little ovary and yield is removed.
To protect the early beds of potato >Potato oxygen is of great importance. When it is deficiency, the planting material usually becomes soft and sprouts grow slowly. Therefore, after the first stairs, special attention should be paid to regular loosening.
experts recommend loosening the soil every 10 days. Often used to feed vegetables. However, it should be noted that too frequent use of fertilizer can be harmful.
Especially often a large amount of pus has a negative effect on potatoes. If the potatoes have already given sprouts, cow manure should be abandoned. Since fertilizer can stimulate the appearance of burns and the plant dries. Potatoes should be small in size with well -pronounced eyes. If the potatoes are too large, it must be split in half. The main condition for each part to have several points or sprouts.
if potatoes are flawed or spoiled, the yield is significantly reduced. Also, you should not plant a row with traces of mold or fungal diseases, such planting material can be a source of contamination of beds. keep the distance between the bushes.
when planting potatoes the distance between the holes should be at least 20 cm. If too close planting, as a rule, potatoes grow poorly and ovary becomes less.
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