6 factors that contribute to longevity
People who reached the mark of 110 years and even outgrew it are called super long-lived . Life expectancy is influenced not only by genes, but also by other factors that contribute to good aging and longevity.
A study focused on the observation of super long-lived people showed that in most cases they practically avoided vascular diseases. A significant part of such people remained independent and required minimal assistance. Aging Analytics, in collaboration with the Gerontology Research Group (GRG), found out what makes you live longer.
Six factors that contribute to longevity, along with genetics:
- relationships and social integration. Kindness, love and a strong sense of community are factors that affect life expectancy. They make a person happier and healthier. Lonely people can die earlier;
- socio-economic status. A high standard of living and sanitation, access to a mobile network, the Internet and other communications, as well as increased costs for health care services have a positive effect on longevity;
- brain activity. For the first time, scientists discovered that neural activity is higher in people with a shorter lifespan and lower in those who live longer;
- physical activity. Long-lived people are known for maintaining mobility and physical functions longer and more effectively. Regular exercise has significant health benefits and may even improve the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease;
- healthy diet. The research team found that eating a diet rich in whole grains, vegetables and fruits, healthy fats, calcium and vitamin D, and taking a daily multivitamin is essential for longevity. For long-lived people, a diet that includes self-grown products and excludes purchased processed food is characteristic;
- conscientiousness. Self-disciplined and purposeful people live longer. They potentially have lower blood pressure and a lower risk of mental illness, diabetes, heart and joint problems.
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