6 habits that are better to give up if you have SARS


Best Medicines-Bed mode and the right lifestyle!

Flu, “colds”, other viral respiratory diseases are best treated with bed rest, warm abundant drinking and maximum “unloading” of your body – the last point is especially important for the prevention of complications that can be true dangerous. And during this period it is better to give up some habits that can only worsen your disease.Disease is always a serious stress for our body, and many of us especially need support at this time, including tactile. But if you do not want your relatives to get sick too, it is better to hug with a cat or a plush toy. Viruses are very volatile and live perfectly in small droplets of moisture, which we release when breathing, talking or kissing. So it is better to minimize close contacts – for some, very short time.No, seriously if you have SARS and you live in the same apartment with someone, please wash your hands as often as possible. You can infect your loved ones by simply clicking on the light. Or by typing a short message on the laptop keyboard. Or by opening the door. You are also likely to bring the virus with you from the street – from the office, transport, shops, elevators. In general, wash your hands – truly.The more you sleep, the more your body will have the strength to fight the virus, and the faster you recover. A clear temptation to devote a bed rest or an exciting series, but remember that every new page or series, if they interfere with sleep, take you away from recovery. Dream and truth is not the best medicine for SARS. No, of course, if it asks the body and urges hygiene, it is better not to resist. But in general, a bath or shower, even hot, can increase fever. And even more so you should not try to “whisk” the temperature with cold water. It is better for these purposes-to facilitate the condition-to wipe with a damp towel.

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during illness, as well as for at least a week after the symptoms disappear, it is better to pretend to be an introvert-hermit and ignore invitations to parties. Drops that can store the virus particles capable of moving up to a distance of up to 2.5 meters – that is, just standing in the hall and smiling, you can pass the virus to a good half of the guests. Hardly they will be grateful to you!

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Author: alex

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