6 habits that interfere with sleep

Don't talk on the phone before bed

Even a short conversation impairs the quality of sleep and prevents the body from entering the phase of deep sleep, during which energy is restored and information received during the day is processed.

Air the room

Dullness and stuffy air disrupt the REM sleep phase and make sleep restless. The optimal temperature in the room is 19-20 degrees. Before going to sleep, the body temperature drops, and the hot air in the room acts, on the contrary, as a stimulant: it makes the heart beat faster and prevents sleep.

Give up dinner before going to bed

After a heavy dinner, the body will have to it takes a long time to digest food, which disturbs sleep, so it is recommended to eat no later than 3 hours before bedtime. If you feel very hungry, replace a full meal with a light snack.

Put away gadgets an hour before bedtime

The habit of scrolling through the Instagram feed in the evening excites the nervous system, and the blue spectrum radiation from smartphones reduces the production of melatonin, a hormone that facilitates falling asleep. The brain perceives the glow of the screen as light. Avoiding gadgets promotes a full and healthy sleep.

Do not drink coffee and tea at night

It would seem that a cup of hot tea in the evening can calm you down and help you fall asleep faster, but this is not the case. Tea brings the brain and nervous system into a state of excitement, sleep becomes less sound – and a person suffers from insomnia. If you cannot give up evening tea, replace black and green tea with herbal teas with chamomile, lemon balm, John's wort or mint. They have healing properties and help the body to relax.

Set a sleep schedule

The habit of going to bed at the same time normalizes the synthesis of melatonin. With a constant change in the sleep pattern, the production of melatonin is disturbed and there are problems with the circadian rhythm, which regulates the renewal of cells and the level of hormones.

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Author: alex

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