6 high cholesterol products that are very good for health
Most of the cholesterol contained in the blood is produced by the liver. When consuming foods high in cholesterol, the liver reduces its production. For this reason, cholesterol in the diet has only a slight effect on blood cholesterol in most people, scientists note.A slice of cheese chew weighing about 30 grams gives 28 mg of cholesterol, which is relatively high. But at the same time, the cheese contains other nutrients: in particular, the same piece of cheese will give about 7 grams of quality protein and 15% of the daily rate of calcium. Available scientific data show that dairy products with high protein content and low carbohydrate content, such as cheese, help to reduce fatty deposits and strengthen muscle mass. Including cheese can make a more durable heart.
eggs. They are one of the most nutritious products in our diet and also have a high level of cholesterol: two large eggs contain more than 350 mg. Often, fearing cholesterol, people throw egg yolk and eat only protein. Meanwhile, the yolk is the most nutritious part of the egg and provides the body with almost all the nutrients of this product. The egg yolks contains protein, selenium, riboflavin or vitamin B12, choline, and the cholesterol contained only contributes to their absorption. In addition, egg yolks contain antioxidants of lutein and zeaxanthin, which reduce the risk of age -related visual impairment, such as cataracts and degeneration of yellow spot. Egg eating can reduce blood sugar and provide a feeling of satiety.
cod liver. But this cholesterol saturated product is useful for the cardiovascular system. There is a lot of vitamin A, vitamin D, as well as omega-3 fatty acids that protect against heart disease. A number of researchers also believe that vitamin D and omega-3 fats, working together, prevent cancer.
Sardin. But at the same time, this product has a number of health benefits, including reducing the risk of heart disease and protecting brain cells, depression therapy. These effects are provided with a very high content (up to 980 mg) of omega-3 fatty acids. In addition to valuable fatty acids, sardines provide the body with protein and vitamin D.
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