6 longevity habits to adopt in middle age
Scientists have named habits that help you become a long-liver.
Plan in advance.A study conducted in the United States showed that people over the age of 50 who had the habit of planning all future affairs in advance live longer than those who exist spontaneously and one day at a time. Scientists believe that the ability to plan everything increases people's confidence in their ability to control life and thereby reduces stress levels.
Go shopping. According to researchers from Taiwan, middle-aged and older people who shop independently in stores increase their chances of longevity by 28%. At the same time, scientists say, people get physical exercise, train their memory and interact with other people. Thus, their brains remain active and young much longer.
Use the Internet.A study of the brains of older adults showed that retirees who went online every day, searched for information that interested them, or communicated with other users, had more active brain areas responsible for language, reading, memory, visual features, and decision-making. In other words, they had better protection against cognitive aging.
Use turmeric.Regular use of this spice in middle and old age helps to better preserve mental abilities. The main component of turmeric – the antioxidant curcumin – has anti-inflammatory and antitumor properties. Experiments show that pensioners who ate curry twice a week coped with intellectual tasks much more successfully than those who did not consume turmeric.
Work or have a permanent occupation. The results of many studies suggest that a person’s life expectancy is influenced by such a factor as a feeling of emotional satisfaction from self-realization. It is this feeling that gives older people the opportunity to have a job or occupation that requires a certain amount of effort and results from a person.
Get a pet. Communication with pets provides people with psycho-emotional balance, and also gives a lot of positive emotions. In addition, caring for animals requires a certain amount of organization, which is only a plus as you get older. You should also take your pets for walks, which helps maintain physical activity levels, breathe fresh air, and expand your social circle by meeting other pet owners.
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