6 main reasons why not something to wait for someone
” You probably heard this statement? But when hopes are related to other people, we run the risk of being disappointed. We do not control these things. They are not directly dependent on us.We want us to love the way we love. We hope that all our dreams will come true. We expect others to be the same reaction that we could have. In short, we want others to feel the same as we are. But it will never happen. And when this does not happen, we feel that our world is being destroyed.
>The perception of this fact will allow us to better adapt to the environment. theories about how to be happy. The content of the main theories-we should minimize our expectations.
>Of course, it's difficult. Especially when it comes to personal relationships. The one who expects too much from others is eventually offended or accused others of not meeting their expectations. Because of this, it is difficult to build strong relationships.
Why not wait for something from others? Remember how you last rejoiced when someone made you something nice without a reason. Such unexpected things make us happy.Here are 6 things that are in no way expected from others:
Do not expect others to always agree with you
Your Thought and Person. Every person is different. Therefore, it is pointless to expect that others should have the same idea as you. We don't have to understand each other and agree in everything. This is not the purpose of our life.
Do not expect others to respect you more than you respect yourself
love yourself is the first step to others to love us. Why do others have to respect you if you don't respect yourself? Let's start appreciating ourselves, our strengths and weaknesses. And then they will do others.The idea that you will like everyone in your environment is utopian. No one is obliged to love someone. You are the most important person in your life. And it is you that you can make yourself happy. And they can't change you. We cannot control what others think of what they believe what they do or say. There are few options for what to do with it. You either perceive others as they are or decide to change yourself, or allow everyone to go your own way. Therefore, it is important to clearly express what we want, because others may not know it. Use your experience to be better and stronger. Failures happen. But this is not a reason to lose hope.
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