6 main reasons why you shouldn't expect anything from someone
“Expect nothing and you will never be disappointed.” You must have heard this saying?
When we live with hope, it motivates us to move forward and never give up. But when our hopes are tied to other people, we risk disappointment. After all, we do not control these things. They do not directly depend on us.
What is our mistake?
We want to be loved as we love. We hope that all our dreams will come true. We expect the same reaction from others that we might have. In short, we want others to feel the way we do. But it will never be like that. And when it doesn't, we feel like our world is falling apart.
Just because people don't do the things we expect them to do doesn't mean they're bad. Sometimes people cannot live up to our expectations (because of their own capabilities). Or they simply cannot react the way we want.
Accepting this fact will allow us to better adapt to the environment.
How to learn to be happy
The philosopher William James, the founder of functional psychology, developed several theories about how to be happy. The content of the main theory is that we should minimize our expectations.
Of course, this is difficult. Especially when it comes to personal relationships. Someone who expects too much from others ends up resenting or blaming others for not meeting their expectations. Because of this, it is difficult to build strong relationships.
Why is it better not to expect something from others?
When something unexpected happens, we will be pleasantly surprised. Remember the last time you were happy when someone did something nice for you for no reason. Such unexpected things make us happy.
Here are 6 things you should never expect from others:
No expect others to always agree with you
Your opinion and beliefs have emerged thanks to upbringing and personal experience. It is different for each person. Therefore, it is pointless to expect that others should have the same opinion as you. We don't have to understand each other and agree on everything. This is not the purpose of our lives.
Don't expect others to respect you more than you respect yourself
Loving yourself is the first step to being loved by others. Why should others respect you if you don't respect yourself? Let's start appreciating ourselves, our strengths and weaknesses. And then others will do it.
Don't expect others to like you
The idea that everyone around you will like you is utopian. No one is obliged to love someone. You are the most important person in your life. And it is you who can make yourself happy.
Don't expect others to be the way you want them to be
We cannot change people. And they can't change you. We cannot control what others think, believe, do or say. There are few options for what to do with it. You either accept others as they are, or decide to change yourself, or let everyone go their own way.
Don't expect others to know what you're thinking
Our logic and our way of thinking is unique and individual. That's why it's important to be clear about what we want, because others may not know it.
Don't expect everything to be fine all the time
Stay positive. Use your experience to be better and stronger. Failures happen. But this is not a reason to lose hope.
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