6 “murderers” of the immune system in everyday life
Want to have good health, avoid immune” killers. ” They include malnutrition, bad sleep, stress, cold legs and other factors.
According to doctors, the body's immune system never sleeps: it is constantly engaged in deterred bacteria and viruses, which minimizes the likelihood of suffering from a disease. However, in everyday life there are real “killers” of the immune system that suppress its function and threaten us with many ailments, including the most dangerous.
unhealthy diet. French fries, chips, chocolate – if we eat too much, the body begins to lack important nutrients. As a result, the basic processes, including the work of the immune system, can no longer be carried out optimally, and a person becomes more susceptible to viruses and bacteria.
researchers at Bonn University have confirmed this in the study. Their data suggest that the immune system responds to a high content of fats and calories just like a bacterial infection. Such a reaction can, in turn, have dramatic consequences: for example, sharply accelerate the development of vascular disease or type 2 diabetes.
cold legs. Our body registers for cooling of the legs: it tries to protect itself from further heat loss, for which all blood vessels narrows. This means that the mucous membranes that are important to protect the body begin to be poorly provided with blood. Due to cold and dry mucous membranes, pathogenic viruses penetrate the body.Night sleep is a period of increased body work on recovery: it releases a lot of substances that strengthen the body's defenses. To have good health, you need to sleep enough. The fact that the body of people with a permanent deficiency has a reduced ability to form antibodies that are important for immune protection, has been repeatedly confirmed by research.
“In order for the body to fight with infectious agents as best as possible, it takes about 8 hours a day. With less than 6 hours of sleep, our health can be significantly affected in the long run,” – emphasize experts.
smoking. garbage in our lungs. These thin hairs by wavy movements tolerate all contaminating components, as well as pathogens outside. Smokers such eyelashes are atrophied.
Smoking leads to an increase in the healing period and an increase in the severity of the disease in the case of colds, and even if it is passive, scientists note.
stress. Many studies have shown that prolonged stress affects the protection of the body from pathogens: killer cells contained in the blood, protect us from viruses, bacteria and fungi, become inactive, and the number of immune cells decreases. As a result, susceptibility to all diseases increases sharply. According to scientists, people who are in a state of constant stress, even vaccinations act worse than others.
alcohol. alcohol reduces not only the inhibition threshold, but also our immune protection. For example, scientists from the University of Lyala in Chicago have found that in a few hours after drinking alcohol, less monocytes (immune cells) and natural killer cells become become become becomes. This leads to the fact that the body worse reflects the effects of viruses of the same flu, and already existing diseases – exacerbate.
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