6 of the simplest tricks that will allow you to lose weight
nutritionists say that even making minimal effort, you can achieve the effect of weight loss. They suggest using simple lifehacks that help make the figure slimmer.
Water on an empty stomach. After awakening, drink a glass of clean drinking water – which is important, not cold. This simplest trick activates the processes of metabolism in the body and adjusts the gastrointestinal tract to active work.
breakfast. digested and absorbs carbohydrates.
eat every 3-4 hours. The most successful food programs for those that lose weight mean 5-6 meals a day. Such a strategy is very effective in preventing hunger and overeating. But it is important that every serving of food does not exceed 300 grams.
walk 5 minutes every day. apple. several experiments showed that women who ate one apple a day lost weight faster than those who did not eat apples. Also, apple lovers are better to keep stable weight and slimness.
go to bed 5-10 minutes earlier. Its lack is a proven factor in the growth of adipose tissue in the body due to the activation of the hormone of stress of cortisol, which exacerbates the craving for unhealthy foods or sweets. Going to bed just a few minutes earlier, you can solve this problem.
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