6 products that will relieve you from high pressure


If your blood pressure is higher than you would like or just want to maintain health at the right level (or p.

beans and beans

1 cup a day

The legumes are rich in fiber, magnesium and potassium, and all these substances help maintain the optimal pressure. If you eat beans, peas or lentils every day, you can reduce the figures by 3-5 points. Add legumes to soups, stew, salads and rolls.

normal for an adult is considered to be a pressure of 120/80. If your indicators are noticeably higher, do not delay your visit to the doctor.


1 piece per day

natural yogurt

< Day

Those who include one serving of dairy products daily, which reduces the risk of hypertension by 11% compared to those who eat yogurt from time to time. Start a day with a portion of porridge on milk, low -fat yogurt or prepare a strip. Improve the condition of vessels. Harvard studied the properties of bitter chocolate and also came to the conclusion that it is useful for people with high pressure. Chocolate products are caloric, so limit yourself to a portion of 20 g or one tablespoon of cocoa. Rich in potassium and magnesium that normalize pressure. In addition, medium-sized potatoes are only 150-160 kcal. Bake or boil crude potatoes and eat, watering with sour cream or natural yogurt – double benefit to the body.

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Author: alex

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