6 sexual infections that may not give symptoms
sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can appear in the body and remain unnoticed in it. Their development, not revealed by any special symptoms, can last months and years.
chlamydia. In the absence of the necessary treatment of chlamydia can cause inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, cause infertility or ectopic pregnancy, premature birth. Among the specific symptoms of chlamydia, doctors secrete burning during urination and unpleasant vaginal or anus. However, most often this infection is secretly: no signs that would allow to suspect the disease occur.
mycoplasmosis. This infection is caused by bacteria, the reproduction of which in the body can take a very long time (the score can take months and years). Since the symptoms may be absent, a person will not suspect that he has long been ill. Without treatment of mycoplasmosis can provoke damage to the fallopian tubes, as well as problems with fertility.
herpes. Yes, in many cases, it is easy to recognize genital herpes – it is given characteristic painful red rashes and blisters. But it also happens that the symptoms of infection are too weak so that they can be seen. For example, only one red aunt is formed on the genitals, which will not hurt so that there is a suspicion of something wrong.
gonorrhea. One of the most dangerous sexually transmitted diseases that can develop asymptomatic. From those signs that indicate infection, pain and burning may occur during urination, vaginal discharge, vaginal bleeding between menstruation. In the most dramatic scenario of the development of the disease, its pathogens enter the blood or joints, and it can be deadly for humans. In the next stage, symptoms such as fever, rash, lymph nodes, tonsillitis may occur. They are often interpreted incorrectly, perceived as SARS. The problem is that even these signs may not be manifested (many HIV-infected people have not been). In an abandoned form, it affects the heart, blood vessels, brain, internal organs, nervous system.
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