6 signs of what you need to enroll in a cardiologist urgently
These hidden symptoms should know every woman!
Every fourth woman over 35 years of age dies due to heart disease. As noted by WHO experts, despite the fact that women are at the highest risk during the first 10 years of menopause, diseases of the cardiovascular system are “young people”. And attentive attitude to your heart should be manifested at 20 years. We, together with cardiologists, gathered 6 signs that your heart needs urgent help. Don't miss them!
If you notice swelling of your feet and especially lower legs, consult your doctor as soon as possible: it can be a manifestation of failures of the heart valve. Fluid accumulation can signal a stagnant heart failure when your heart does not cope with blood pumping.
severe and regular headaches to see a doctor, as they can foretell a stroke or aneurism. In addition, headache, especially in combination with dizziness, can indicate heart problems.
If headaches are accompanied by weakness – which is often observed with flu – it is necessary to run urgently to a cardiologist: this may indicate that the heart does not cope with his work and blood is not saturated with oxygen. Patient confidence is that he manifests himself in heart pain. Meanwhile, gastric pain that resemble gastritis is one of the most common symptoms of heart disease. If you often feel heartburn or pain and burning in the abdomen, check your heart. Maybe it will save you life.
Fainting – a manifestation of blood pressure that has decreased sharply – can also be a symptom of heart problems. In particular, there may be a disorder in the mitral valve. Most likely, you have nothing to worry if the onset of fainting was single. But in the case of repeated loss of consciousness, be sure to consult your doctor.
Another symptom that can be ignored if dizziness occurs infrequently. But if they become regular, you should consult a doctor: it may be due to the clogging of the artery or failure of heart valves.
feeling of squeeze
Another case when the manifestations of heart attack are not in the heart. at the top of the back. Remember: If you feel that something is pressed on the upper part of your body.
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