6 simple rules to survive up to 100 years
The average life expectancy in Ukraine is about 70 years. However, for residents of “blue zones” who are used to constantly on motion, do not overeat, manage stress and have a close relationship with the family, survive to 100 years – is not uncommon.
Blue zones are places on Earth with the highest concentration of long -lived. Some researchers refer to them in Greece, Okinawa in Japan, Nick in Costa Rica, Sardinia in Italy and Loma Linda in California (USA). Despite geographical differences, people in these areas share several basic life habits. They were described by Dan Better, an employee of the National Geographic magazine, in the book on the rules of longevity. They, in his opinion, have a positive effect on life expectancy.Physical activity is part of the daily life of the inhabitants of “blue zones” and is included in it with the help of classes such as gardening, walking and even simple cooking. A longer life in men in the “blue zone” of Sardinia is related to breeding cattle, living on steep slopes in the mountains and hiking long distances to work, beltner believes.When a person knows what he lives for, he is constantly in motion and happier than people could not realize themselves. Studies of psychological well -being were associated with a sense of goal and happiness with a decrease in the risk of death. A positive view of life can affect life expectancy.Too severe stress can lead to inflammation associated with many chronic diseases. This has a negative impact on health and long -term. In “blue zones” people are still stress, but they have such a daily routine that helps to cope with stress, says the author. For example, Okinawa residents find time every day to remember their ancestors, and Icarians often downs. Finding your stress management methods, be it a dream, sports or communication, you can feel much healthier and happier.
eat until 80%
Residents of “blue zones” do not overeat. Japanese long -lived followed by a rule of 80%. It is so that they should feel satiety to stop the meal. Because of this, it is more difficult to consume too many calories, so the risk of obesity and other chronic diseases is reduced. Most of them are not vegetarians, but meat is a small place in the diet. 95% of the diet of long -lived consists of vegetables, beans, nuts and whole grain products. Meat is not served as a primary dish, but as a small garnish, and is often considered a festive food or a way to add aroma to a plant -based dish. Studies have shown that grandparents who help raise grandchildren have a lower risk of early death than those who do not care about grandchildren. Proximity with the family is one of the factors of longevity. You can also add a close range of friends and community of interest to this item.
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