6 the reasons why men grow breasts


Beer, hormones, chemicals that penetrate into the body in various ways. All of these factors are listed in the list of reasons that men may start breasts in men.

Breasts in a man? In fact, this is not such a rare phenomenon. Doctors explain why some men receive absolutely non -courageous breasts.

overweight. in many cases the reason is. The body lays fat in the breast tissue and forms a breast. Men's breasts associated with fat known to doctors as pseudoginecomastia.

beer. The combination of breasts and beer belly is also quite common in men. Beer contains hops, which provides their body with plant estrogens acting like female sex hormones.

Changing hormonal balance. This, for example, happens in adolescence. After the transition period, the breasts disappear again.Many cosmetics contain estrogens, herbal remedies or chemicals that have a hormone effect. If a person uses them regularly, they can stimulate breast growth. These are components, for example, lavender and preservatives (parabens). In addition, some hair loss remedies in men can also contribute to breast growth.

drugs. These include not only well -known anabolic steroids in athletes, but also daily drugs, such as ACE antihypertensive inhibitors and calcium antagonists, gastric acid blockers, tricyclic antidepressants, as well as heartbeat. liver, thyroid dysfunction and renal failure. In addition, chest or swelling that enlarge breasts in size may occur in men in the case of breast cancer.

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Author: alex

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