6 tips for housewives on how to cook the perfect broth
If you sometimes have a cloudy or it tastes like weed has been cooked, not chicken, then you need to know these rules. Perfect broth is easy to cook if you know these tricks of experienced housewives.
1. In order for your meat broth to be transparent, you need to dip a clean (well-washed) eggshell into it during cooking and cook together with it until it is fully cooked. However, be sure to strain the finished broth so that the shells do not get into the dish while eating.
2. If it so happened that you did not have time to remove the foam from the broth in time, missed those 20-30 seconds of active boiling and it has already managed to sink to the bottom of the pan, then a glass of water will save the situation. It should be poured into the broth so that the foam rises to the surface of the broth, after which it should be carefully removed with a slotted spoon.
3. And in order for the chicken broth not to lose its rich taste and to have an aroma and flavor, it is not necessary to add any seasonings to it, except onions and carrots.
4. So that the broth does not turn out bitter, you should not leave the bay leaf in the soup. It is appropriate to add it during cooking, but it is better to remove it afterwards.
5. You can increase the nutrition of the broth with the help of a decoction of onion peel, which will not only add color, but also add vitamins and even improve the appearance of the dish.
6. You can cook an old chicken faster if, 30 minutes after the start of cooking, you immerse it in cold water for 5 minutes.
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