6 unexpected habits that make us age faster

Aging cannot be reversed, but it can be slowed down.

Getting plenty of sleep, exercising, spending more time outdoors, not getting nervous and never going to bed without washing off your makeup — it seems like we know by heart the list of good habits that can help us stay young for as long as possible. But there are many harmless habits and completely unexpected factors that can seriously “age” us — check to see if you know about them!


Recent studies have shown that depression not only reduces the quality of life — it also accelerates the aging process of the brain. Don’t ignore the first signs of the disease, don’t try to cope with willpower, and be sure to seek help!

Ignoring sunscreen

It doesn't matter if you're going to spend the whole day at the beach or just run to the office – your skin needs constant protection from UV rays. The sun's rays are still the most important factor that causes the skin to age, and if you do not want to show early wrinkles, be sure to use a cream or lotion with a protection level of at least 30 SPF every day.

“Social” smoking

I don't smoke at all, but when I drink, I can afford a cigarette or two. If this is about you, then we have bad news: tobacco contains more than 3,800 chemical components that can cause significant damage to the skin. And there is practically no difference whether it affects from the inside or from the outside, through passive smoking. And here is the result: if you smoke one or two cigarettes at parties, your skin looks older than it could be.


It's hard to believe, but it's true: our friends really do help us stay young longer. Several studies have shown that people who have a lot of friends tend to survive the harmful effects of age longer — especially cognitive age-related changes. So, no matter how busy your daily schedule is, don't forget to include meetings with friends in it.


A morning cup of coffee, a mid-day caffeine shot, negotiations or a date over a cup of the same drink — coffee has long become a part of our lives and a full-fledged participant in most social rituals. But the problem is that black coffee reduces the level of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), a hormone that helps us fight aging. The problem is that its level already decreases over the years, and coffee abuse can accelerate this process even more.

Cocktail straws

Unexpected, right? Plastic drinking straws are not only an environmentalist’s nightmare (as they are usually made from the most “sustainable” plastic) — their constant use can make you look older than your years. Constant muscle tension can trigger the formation of early deep wrinkles around the lips, as well as deepening nasolabial folds.

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Author: alex

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