7 beneficial properties of chicken eggs
Eggs and Weight Loss
This product is suitable for those who want to easily get rid of extra pounds. Research has shown that two eggs and a vegetable salad for breakfast help to lose excess calories faster. Such a dish will be much healthier than the usual sandwiches.
Eggs and Inflammation
Eggs contain phospholipids – bioactive compounds that relieve inflammation in the body. Choline, which is part of the drug, also helps reduce the level of inflammatory biomarkers.
Eggs and the heart
In moderate quantities, eggs increase the level of beneficial cholesterol. It is he who protects against dangerous diseases of the heart and blood vessels, including stroke.
Eggs and muscles
Protein is an important “building” element for our muscles. There is a lot of it in eggs, so after sports training it is recommended to eat one boiled egg to replenish the reserves of this element and strengthen muscle tissue.
Eggs and immunity
This product has a beneficial effect on the immune system due to the presence of selenium in its composition. This mineral regulates thyroid hormones and the functioning of the immune system.
Eggs and the brain
Choline is effective not only for inflammation, but also for the brain. This substance is part of cell membranes and promotes the synthesis of acetylcholine. A deficiency of this component reduces cognitive functions and causes neurological disorders.
Eggs and beauty
Finally, eggs are good for the skin, hair and nails. Due to the content of vitamin B, this product improves the condition of the skin, makes hair and nails strong, and the complexion healthy and radiant.
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