7 cardiologist advice to protect against heart disease
Cardiovascular disease is for humanity a killer number one. The expert on prevention of the German Cardiological Society and the Board Member of the German Heart Fund Helmut Golke states that a number of changes in lifestyle will help to avoid cardiac catastrophes.
quit smoking. One smoked cigarette enhances the tendency to coagulate blood for four to six hours. Blood clots can close blood vessels by creating prerequisites for heart attack and stroke.
Avoid bad fat. Proper nutrition can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by a third, says the expert. In order to avoid harmful LDL cholesterol, which is responsible for vascular deposits and thick blood, the amount of meat and animal fats consumed should be reduced. Fatty food should take no more than 30% of the daily diet.
eat fiber. The fiber not only provides good digestion, but also delays the absorption of fast carbohydrates, which avoids excessive blood sugar and high levels of insulin – thus, fiber protects against diabetes. Diabetes, in turn, is a serious risk of cardiovascular disease.
more vitamins. Antioxidants, that is, vitamins and various organic matter of vegetables and fruits, prevent this process.
less salt. Lovers of pickles are dangerous for their vessels, heart and brain. Salt drives various mechanisms of the body, which increases blood pressure and in the body accumulates more fluid, narrows vessels.
physical activity. per week, the risks of cardiovascular pathologies are reduced to 40%. Regular physical activity strengthens not only the heart muscle, but also the endothelium (inner membrane of the vessels), which becomes more resistant and less prone to damage. cardiovascular diseases. Regular control of this parameter is important for early detection of the problem and therapy. After 40 years, according to cardiologist, the pressure should be checked regularly.
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