7 Cold remedies that actually work
in the fall, in the time of colds and influenza, you need to protect yourself from this scourge. But what if you are already ill? Apply effective treatments for colds.The soup on chicken broth or the broth itself is very helpful with colds. It is not the first year for traditional medicine. After all, there are many minerals and protein in this product. They need a sick body. The broth also contains electrolytes that help to avoid dehydration. Scientists have found that chicken broth facilitates nasal breathing, is an anti -edema, anti -inflammatory and antiviral agent.Syrup of this plant will be an effective remedy for colds. The severity of the symptoms will be reduced, the disease will recede in the shortest possible time. In addition, berries have antioxidants – polyphenols that suppress the activity of viruses in the body. They have antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. Their consumption will improve the protective properties of the body, strengthen the immunity.This tool also helps to get rid of colds. Hot tea works in the same way as chicken broth. That is, it will get rid of nasal congestion, will help with dehydration. Tea also contains polyphenols and tannins that have antioxidant, anti -inflammatory and antitumor properties. And tancid acid in the drink will help reduce the total number of harmful bacteria.
This is a well -known cold remedy that everyone knows. Honey has long been considered a therapeutic agent. And still used as cold protection, bacteria. Honey also helps cure cough. Therefore, he will become an indispensable helper in getting rid of the disease. Oranges, lemons, lime, grapefruit – all this will get rid of horrible symptoms. The immune system will become stronger if used in treatment. The grass and root of this plant are used for more than four centuries. Due to flavonoid content, the tool strengthens the immune system, reduces inflammation.
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