7 examples that will help you recognize low self-esteem
People with low self-esteem always receives a portion of aggression in society. It is believed that they can be controlled, they are not confident in their abilities, they constantly make mistakes and are afraid of a lot. But how to understand when it comes to low self-esteem?
As practice shows, many people confuse low self-esteem with adequate self-esteem and do not even pay attention to it. Therefore, everyone should learn about several striking examples of low and adequate self-esteem. All the examples presented can be applied only to themselves, honestly answering the questions.
People with low self-esteem cannot refuse help, even if it is to their detriment and will bring a lot of difficulties into life. But adequate self-esteem allows you to refuse without feeling guilty. And why fulfill requests that create difficulties?
The desire to please everyone
Would a self-confident person try to please those around them? Such people are confident in their abilities and do not care at all what people think or say about them.
But insecure people act differently, their task is to seem better, even if there is no need for this. You need to live only for yourself and in your own comfort zone, everything else does not matter.
Attitude towards the successes of others
Insecure people are constantly jealous and dream that everything will be bad for the rest. Strong people think completely differently, because they have their own path and tasks that need to be completed.
Strong people also understand that if more successful and wealthy people are around them, it is good, because they can gain new experience and knowledge from them. It is easier for the weak to be in a society where they are better than others, and this is a key mistake that leads to terrible consequences.
Thought about yourself
People with low self-esteem always think like this: “What if I’m misunderstood and I get a dose of criticism?” Taking this position, everyone will worry about everything that will be said in society, so you can’t stand out or buy bright clothes.
Self-confident people never look at the opinions of others, knowing full well that in most situations it is wrong.
Worrying about their appearance and always trying to seem better, everyone demonstrates their insecurity. For example, many girls want to buy a short skirt, even if it does not match their image at all.
Strong people act differently, they create a harmonious image and will never try to stand out in society or seem better than they really are.
Attitude to responsibility
Shifting responsibility onto other people is something that many people try to do. And indeed, why be responsible for something if others can do it? And the most interesting thing is that if others make certain mistakes, they will start to reproach. Strong people are not afraid to take responsibility, which is why they command respect in society.
Attitude to the work performed
When a person tries to do everything perfectly, this indicates their low self-esteem. And the thing is that she wants to be better than others, showing her superiority. People with normal self-esteem make sure that the job is accepted and that everyone is happy with it.
Chasing after everyone or trying to seem better is always a waste of time.
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