7 habits that lead to overweight


you return home from work, You lie down on the sofa, turn on the TV, take some food – and slowly fat. No matter how cruelly sound, but it really is. Strong> Habit # 1: To eat during dinner

During the day, food is just needed to maintain energy. But it doesn't always work out? Therefore, we come home and impose more in the plate. Ok if it's vegetables. But most often after working days, you want something more calorie, and therefore more burning. After all, this food gives the long -awaited energy that the body has lost for the whole day.
It is this approach to nutrition that threatens to gain overweight. Therefore, it is necessary to distribute food evenly, not to eat for dinner potatoes under mayonnaise. Dinner should be easy, not one that will load the stomach of the Donomag. After dinner, he will brush his teeth. And it is difficult to imagine that it helps to get rid of extra pounds. In fact, it will not overeat after. After all, the taste of mint toothpaste in the mouth often changes the taste of your favorite dishes that you do not want to eat after the teeth are peeled. H2>

Everyone wants to lie down, relax after dinner. Therefore, it is considered to be absolutely normal on the couch for half an hour in front of the TV. However, this is not the best habit that leads to weight gain. Ideally, you should go for a walk. 15-20 minutes in the open air will help to cheer up and make the body more actively burn calories, while resting on the couch will lead to the opposite effect. /H2>

If you have this habit in your life, then you should get rid of it. After all, this approach will lead to weight gain. While eating, the brain will be distracted by something else, the saturation will come later, respectively, and you can eat it very easily. Numerous studies have proven a food in front of TV, a newspaper or a book, so urgently eradicate this problem from your life, if you do not want to deal with overweight.

habit # 5 Strong>

As you know, sleep allows to start the active process of fat. Therefore, it is necessary to sleep longer-at least 7-8 hours a day. Lack of night holidays can lead to overweight. 00 does not touch the solution of working moments. We understand that getting rid of such a habit is not easy, because everyone has different work. Working anxiety can cause stress, which is a desire to bite the nerves with something delicious. As a result – extra calories, extra pounds.

habit # 7: phone or computer at bedtime

This habit is directly related to the previous one. But it is absolutely not useful for the figure. The radiation of the blue range coming from the gadgets inhibits the production of the hormone melatonin responsible for sleeping. Hence – sleep problems, bags under the eyes, overweight, as night is the most optimal time of day, when fat burning is most active.

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Author: alex

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