7 health problems that can cause an itchy head
Every second person suffers from an itchy scalp. There are a lot of inconveniences, so it is better not to suffer, but to find the cause and cure it. The main reasons for which the head may itch.
Seborrheic dermatitis
Unfortunately, the pain is chronic. Visit a dermatologist, he will prescribe a course of medicated shampoos and vitamins. The courses will then have to be repeated, but it is better that way than to be left without hair. After all, dermatitis is not only dandruff and itching, because of it the bulbs become weak and hair begins to fall out.
Reaction to cosmetics and shampoo
It would seem that these shampoos, conditioners and hair masks are harmless. And many women cannot imagine their life without nail polish, foam and other styling products. But the choice should be treated carefully. If your head started to itch, you may have an allergic reaction. Another reason is that due to detergents and cosmetics, the water-lipid exchange may be disturbed, so the scalp becomes dry and itchy.
Health care begins with nutrition. Diets and abuse of harmful products can lead to problems with metabolism. Immunity also weakens, and as a result – dry skin, dandruff, itching.
Surprisingly, muscle tension can also cause itchy skin heads In addition, the back, neck and shoulders may also itch. Why does this happen? The fact is that heavy loads cause microstimulation of blood vessels of the scalp and microtrauma of tissues. All this leads to an inflammatory process, which causes itching.
You will be surprised, but even nowadays it is quite easy to get infected with lice. Therefore, when your head itches, do not dismiss this cause.
Stress and nerves
A very common cause of itchy scalp. Consult a therapist and neurologist, try to be less nervous.
A frequent symptom of hormonal failure is dryness of the skin of the face and head, itching, dandruff. It is observed in every second person during puberty, pregnancy or menopause. Go to an endocrinologist.
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