7 “healthy” snacks that actually harm the figure

The word “snack” is often used in a negative context not by chance. After all, it can be healthy only if your snack contains all the nutrients needed by the body, and also in the right balance. The snacks listed below, despite their popularity among some health enthusiasts, are actually not as healthy as they are commonly thought.

Such snacks can do you more harm by making you feel hungry rather than giving you energy:


  • Green juices

It is nice to believe in the beneficial properties of such drinks, when you know that they consist of 100% natural products. But one bottle of such juice contains 50 g of sugar, i.e. 12.5 teaspoons. And although such juices are really made from natural products, the fibers of vegetables and fruits extracted during squeezing are no better than a box of sweets.

Instead of juice, it is better to eat some fruit or raw vegetables (carrot, cucumber, celery). The fiber contained in fruits slows down the release of sugar and provides the necessary energy.

  • White rice breads

Rice cakes, famous for their low calorie content, are actually completely useless for the body. In addition, they have a very high glucose index. This means that the carbohydrates they contain are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and raise blood sugar levels.

Choose oatmeal instead of rice cakes. They contain more fiber, vitamins and minerals. And they are made from whole grains, so they have a lower glucose index.

  • Protein bars

A very popular snack that often contains as much sugar as a chocolate bar. The inscription “natural” on the package does not mean that it is so. It can be natural, but you should not forget that such bars are made mainly from dried fruits, honey and syrups, and all this is pure sugar.

Instead of such a bar, it is better to eat a handful of raw nuts. Protein regulates blood sugar levels and helps to cope with sweet cravings.

  • Diet drinks

Yes, diet drinks do not contain sugar, but they contain artificial sweeteners (for example, aspartame), which is 13,000 times sweeter than regular sugar. Regular consumption of these sweeteners can increase sweet cravings.

Instead of a diet drink, it is better to buy soda water, add fruit to it and let the water infuse.

  • Fat-free yogurts in in jars

Fats in yogurt are usually replaced by sugar. This is done so that the yogurt remains tasty.

Instead, opt for plain yogurt with probiotics and add fresh fruit for flavor, or better yet, make your own yogurt using lactic acid bacteria.

  • Dried Fruit

Imagine the situation: eat ten apricots at once. This is certainly possible, but unlikely. But dried apricots (dried apricots), which are useful in small quantities and harmful in large quantities, can be eaten for a long time and in large quantities. In addition, dried fruit often contains preservatives and sugar.

Instead, reduce the amount of dried fruit and instead add some nuts. This will increase your protein intake and reduce your sugar intake.

  • Vegetable Chips

Even though these chips are made from vegetables, they are as caloric as regular ones. The fact is that both potato and vegetable chips are fried in oil. In the process of frying, vitamins and nutrients in vegetables are destroyed.

Try a handful of fresh peas instead as a snack. It will help you stay full for a long time.

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Author: alex

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