7 ordinary things that can lead to death
Many people know about habits that harm health. But even quite ordinary at first glance things can bring a person to death despite their stated safety.It is believed that it is necessary to wash your hands as often as possible, so as not to pick up a life -threatening bacteria. But if you do it every five minutes, you can get a completely reverse effect because you hope to get. Antibacterial agents can destroy all bacteria, both useful and dangerous.
food additives
Many believe that food additives are useful for humans, cure from everything. But they are not medicines, but as a consequence, are not tested. Therefore, they can potentially be dangerous. Some cause side effects, the heart, the digestive system.Everyone knows that cleaning products can be dangerous. But excessive use of them exactly leads to trouble. After all, these chemicals are toxic to the body. Such drugs can be died of frequent inhalation. Of course, this does not mean that you have to give up at all. But to treat such tools is better care.Soy beans and tofu cheese can be a great replacement for meat, but genomodified soybeans can cause harm. This is especially true of pregnant women. They have a high concentration of estrogen, which strongly affects the body. Some studies assure that this may cause miscarriage. Such a sedentary lifestyle is able to adversely affect well -being, health in general. Even five -minute breaks every hour can have a beneficial effect on your condition. But numerous studies prove the opposite. Smoking electronic cigarettes can cause side effects, including death. Everything that goes on the sewer cannot undergo 100%cleaning. Therefore, do not drink water from the tap. According to research, dirty water affects the growth and health of amphibians, and what to say about humans. Even a simple way of filtration is able to protect the body from truly terrible consequences.
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