7 products that can ruin mood


few people know, but the cause of bad mood can not only be the cause Weather, some problem or PMS. Some products also contribute to the deterioration of your mood.

everyone knows that the hormone serotonin corresponds to our good mood. But few people are aware that 90% of serotonin produces … intestines. Thus the mood is directly related to digestion!

diet carbonated water

Aspartame-slur You can check on the label). And this amino acid inhibits serotonin production. PupilsThere are too much sugar in flakes and muesli. When entering the gastrointestinal tract, it causes a heavy production of serotonin, and you feel the likeness of euphoria, but then the sugar level falls rapidly, and with it your mood. H2>

Yes, the donuts in colored glaze and other decorated sweets look more appetizing, but when digested, they form compounds that reduce the production of serotonin. So better choose natural toppings and glaze.

fast food

hydrogenated oils containing all fast food disrupts the balance of omega-acids in the body, which leads to a decrease in the production of serotonin for a long period. Sad and tasteless. Because it is a pure trans fat that is terribly difficult to digest and forms a bunch of harmful compounds. Better butter!

salted snacks

nuts, straws, prey, seeds, all we used to bite, contains sodium glutamate-flavor enhancer. Recent studies have shown that the excess of this substance has a negative effect on the balance of serotonin. That is, a couple of nuts will not spoil your life, but a handful is not worth it. They tend to contain BPA recipients that our body perceives as a hormone. Having received a hormone from the outside, the body reduces its own production, and – goodbye, good mood.

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Author: alex

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