7 products to improve intelligence and preserve memory

The brain is the control center of the body that allows you to move, think, feel, breathe and much more. This organ does a lot of work, and with age it can begin to age, just like the human body as a whole. Scientists and doctors believe that food plays a huge role in the structure and health of the brain.

Research shows that foods rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, flavonoids, polyphenols and omega-3 fatty acids can help protect this important organ. They are able to prevent the decline of cognitive functions, improve memory, concentration, increase intelligence and the general condition of the brain. Experts single out a few of the most useful foods.

Seven foods for brain health:

  • leafy greens. Kale, spinach, arugula, celery – all these greens are packed with nutrients, including vitamin K, beta-carotene, folate and vitamin E. Beta-carotene and vitamin K are linked to improved health brain, they help prevent memory loss and improve cognitive abilities. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects cells from free radical damage. It is also able to prevent cognitive decline in aging people;
  • lamb.According to the study, weekly consumption of lamb, but not other red meat, was associated with improved long-term cognitive function. A 10-year follow-up found improvements in fluid intelligence scores in people who consumed certain foods, including lamb;
  • cheese. Cheese has also been shown to have protective functions against age-related cognitive problems. Even at a late age, it can benefit the brain;
  • eggs.This is one of the best dietary sources of choline. This substance can reduce inflammation and improve brain functions, such as memory retention and communication between brain cells;
  • salmon. Fatty fish such as salmon are rich in fatty acids omega-3, which are of great importance for the development and proper functioning of the brain. In addition to improving brain health, these fatty acids reduce the risk of heart disease and arthritis;
  • blueberries.Although all berries are good for brain health, blueberries are in the lead in many ways. This berry contains vitamin C, vitamin K, manganese and phytonutrients. Nutrients help stimulate the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain, which leads to increased concentration of attention. An experiment showed that regular intake of blueberries improved memory and cognitive function in elderly people with mild impairments. A study shows that eating a diet that includes a variety of vegetables, fruits and berries, including blueberries, is associated with a lower risk of age-related cognitive impairment, dementia and Alzheimer's disease;
  • Walnuts. > Compared to other nuts, walnuts contain twice as many antioxidants. They also include omega-3 fatty acid, which counteracts cognitive decline by suppressing inflammation and oxidative stress. It is these changes that are associated with Alzheimer's disease and dementia. Studies show that eating 30 to 60 grams of walnuts per day can improve cognitive function.

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Author: alex

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