7 products will help get rid of headaches and migraines

When you often suffer from headaches pain or migraine attacks, nutrition is one of the important components in preventing these unpleasant conditions. It is known that certain products can cause another attack of pain, and some, on the contrary, have a calming effect.

A diet with a wide variety of products useful for the head will not only help in the treatment of migraines, but will also improve the general state of health and restore balance in the body. “Food really is the first medicine,” said Winn Brown, MD, director of integrative medicine at Wake Forest Baptist Health in Winston-Salem. Doctors told what to eat when you have a headache.


To replenish energy and prevent migraine attacks, it is recommended to eat bananas. They are rich in magnesium, and a deficiency of this substance is one of the common causes of regular headaches, said Sarah Thomsen Ferreira, MD, of the Cleveland Clinic. In addition, bananas are 74% water, which will be useful for the body to manage water resources.


This berry actually consists of more than by 92%. Watermelon will help to avoid dehydration, which negatively affects many aspects of health, including headaches. According to the Migraine Foundation of America, about one in three migraine sufferers report that lack of water is the trigger.

Seeds and Nuts

Flax and chia seeds, sprouted pumpkin seeds, and cashews are rich in magnesium. In addition, pumpkin seeds also contain a large amount of fiber. Taking a small amount of these products a day will be an excellent way to get rid of headaches.

Herbal teas

Tea in itself contributes to better hydration of the body, but certain types of this drink have special advantages. For example, peppermint tea effectively reduces sinus pressure, Dr. Brown said. Nasal congestion and sinus pressure are common causes of headaches, according to the American Migraine Association.


If you eat foods high in antioxidants frequently, with it can sometimes help reduce sinus pressure. Doctors recommend blueberries, strawberries, blackberries and raspberries.

Spinach and chard

These vegetables and other leafy greens contain a lot of magnesium, which reduces and sometimes prevents migraines. Studies have shown that many people with this condition have low levels of magnesium in the brain. Therefore, patients take magnesium supplements in the form of pharmaceutical preparations.


Sometimes headaches occur due to problems with the intestinal absorption of useful substances or due to increased intestinal permeability, the doctor emphasized Brown. According to her, mushrooms can help the intestines. They contain a lot of riboflavin, known as vitamin B2. This substance is also found in quinoa and eggs.

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Author: alex

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