7 simple habits to help your mom live longer
Mother Health-invaluable! I am sure if we could, each of us would give anything for an additional five to ten years for mom. However, numerous studies have already identified factors that significantly affect life expectancy – which means that each of us can do something to help mom to live longer.First, communication in the elderly is one of the main factors that help maintain cognitive health. Secondly, in itself communication and getting rid of the main enemy of all the elderly – loneliness – helps to prolong life. Well, thirdly, coffee really prolongs life, as it significantly reduces the risk of developing diseases that are kept to the top of the causes of early death, heart attack, stroke, some forms of cancer. So run to mom on a cup of coffee and linger longer!The main condition: let your mom prepare it for you. Preparation is not so easy and can be a serious exercise. And this is exactly what you need to maintain heart health, blood vessels and ultimately – to continue life.You will not believe it, but researchers at the US National Academy of Sciences have shown that the active use of Facebook and other social networks can extend their lives by 12%. And this is especially true for the elderly: social networks help them not feel alone, and help to maintain the activity of those areas of the brain that are the first to dementia. The main thing is that mom does not “hang” on the Internet on the night continuously!Another inspiring study: people who spend a lot of time with grandchildren, as a result, are more likely to wait for great -grandchildren. Studies, which lasted 20 years, confirmed: grandparents who are actively engaged in grandchildren, are less prone to stress, hypertension and heart disease – primarily due to the active lifestyle that you have to lead, caring for small gallows.Or buy her an e -book and download more novels there – a study in which 3500 people took part, confirmed that book lovers live longer. The chances of those who read at least 3.5 hours a week to become long -lived, higher by 12% – compared to those who read less. And by 27% – compared to those who do not read at all. By the way, only books, magazines and articles on the Internet are not in account. In women with a good sense of humor, the risk of death for any reason is lower by 48% compared to very serious ladies. The fact is that laughter helps to neutralize the stress hormone cortisol, which undermines the immune system and has a bad effect on the health of the heart, blood vessels, as well as metabolism. However, if the mother does not like to run, bicycle rides (reduces the risk of death by any reason by 23%) and fast walking reduces the risk by 12%). The optimal amount of loads is 4 hours a week. Agree, it's not so much!
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