7 simple tips to fight insomnia
Sleep is one of the most important conditions for maintaining good health and productivity. It helps the body to function properly, normalizes the state of the nervous system and even promotes rapid recovery during illness.
However, for many, a healthy – long and sound – sleep is only a dream, as both the process of falling asleep and the quality cause difficulties. sleep, if it occurs.
We have prepared some tips for you, following which you can quickly get rid of insomnia and finally start getting a good night's sleep.
Exercise in the morning
Make it a rule for yourself every morning do a wake-up charge. It is not necessary to perform the exercises until the “seventh sweat”: it is enough to perform a complex of energetic warm-up swings-squats, in order to start active processes in the body and feel a surge of vigor.
Doctors say that people who regularly exercise in the morning have less difficulty falling asleep at night. The fact is that regular physical activity helps to increase the level of serotonin and reduce the concentration of cortisol, which helps to avoid mood swings and helps to reduce the impact of stress.
Be in the sun more
During the day, try to go outside as soon as possible, that is, to be in natural daylight. This will help you regulate your body's natural circadian rhythms, so you'll have less and less trouble falling asleep as the night wears on.
Listen to soothing music in the evening
In the evening at dinner or while taking a shower, turn on relaxation tunes (such playlists can be found in any smartphone music application or by request on the Internet).
Scientists have repeatedly proven that calm light music helps the nervous system relax and adjusts body to rest. The same beneficial effect is possessed by the sounds of the sea surf, birds singing, the sound of a waterfall, etc.
Free the bedroom from gadgets
Blue light from TV screens, computers and mobile phones can significantly affect sleep because it helps reduce the body's production of melatonin (the sleep hormone). Moreover, any information we receive before going to sleep contributes to the irritation of the nervous system, which affects both the process of falling asleep and the quality of sleep.
Therefore, put away your gadgets and try to relax in other ways, for example, taking a bath or meditating.
Get an aroma lamp
Aromatherapy is a common method that helps to cope with stress and improve well-being. Yes, some essential oils, for example, lavender and damask rose, will help relax the nervous system as much as possible and fall asleep soundly, thanks to which you will wake up in the morning more rested and calm.
Add 3-5 drops of these oils to your aroma lamp, get comfortable in bed and inhale the aroma deeply. The positive effect will come after just a couple of minutes.
Breathe on account
This method of falling asleep is recommended by yogis. Yes, the 4-7-8 breathing method relaxes the nervous system and helps reduce anxiety and stress levels.
So, lie in bed, place the tip of your tongue behind your upper front teeth and exhale with your mouth open. Then close your mouth and take a deep breath, slowly mentally counting to four. Hold your breath for a count of seven and slowly exhale for a count of eight. Repeat everything several times, concentrating on breathing.
Rewind the day
Another “sleeping” method is called “day in reverse”. So, lying in bed, begin to mentally restore and present all the events of the day, but in reverse order. Imagine how you got into bed, then how you took a shower, walked in the park, had dinner, came home from work, etc.
Psychologists say that if you follow this method, you will have time to fall asleep even before , how to start “scrolling” the lunch break at work.
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