7 symptoms that a doctor should run right now


to the doctor should contact any changes in the body, but some symptoms require instant response.With any unexpected health changes, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible-this is a rule that will allow you to capture the disease early and make treatment easier and more successful. But, putting his hand on the heart, which of us adheres to it? Unfortunately, to pull to the latter and to go to doctors only when it is impossible to endure – a very common habit that residents of almost all countries are prone to. But, whatever it is, doctors warn: there are such symptoms, after which the score takes literally for hours. If you notice something similar in yourself or loved ones, immediately consult a doctor.The sudden headache of a terrible strength, which seems that the skull is about to crack or explode is an excuse to throw everything and immediately call a doctor. Pain, which is not removed by the usual painkillers, does not weaken and even exacerbates, despite all the measures taken, can speak of torn aneurysm. If the headache is also accompanied by a fuzzy language or deterioration of one side of the body, it is likely that stroke – and you have just a few hours during which doctors can correct something.Until recently, migraines were considered an unpleasant condition that, however, did not require immediate response. But studies conducted in the last few years have changed this point of view. Thus, researchers from the National Institute of Gerontology of the United States have confirmed that each migraine with aura brings micro -brain micro -damage, which in the future can lead to serious lesions of this organ. Therefore, it is important to consult a neurologist and try to find a scheme that will allow migraine triggers and prevent its development.Depression is a serious disorder that should be treated as early as possible – otherwise the symptoms will worsen, and the disease can go into a serious stage, including the one in which obsessive thoughts about suicide appear. Therefore, if you notice a sad and alarming mood, depression, lack of interest in work or hobbies that have brought joy, see a doctor as soon as possible.The same “closed” leg, which at least once in a life, faced – is a reason to take action and even perhaps to see a doctor. If you do not treat the ankle ligaments, the fibers in them may heal in an improperly shortened or elongated position, which is why the likelihood of new injuries increases repeatedly. Be sure to consult your doctor if you cannot step on your foot or feel constant pain when walking. In addition, it is important to give the victim first aid: apply ice for 20 minutes and make an icy compress every two hours for the first two days, keep your foot as high as possible, make a fixing bandage.A recent study confirmed that every second patient who survived a heart attack ignored his first symptoms for six hours. Meanwhile, the heart muscle begins to die within 50 minutes after the onset of the attack. Such a late treatment of a doctor is due to the fact that many patients are convinced that there is a serious serious symptom – it is chest pain, and do not seek help in anticipation until it begins to ache. It is important to remember that the most dangerous symptom is the very feeling of pressure and contraction in the chest, and not pain at all. And when it appears, it is important to consult a doctor immediately.

abdominal pain

acute abdominal pain that exacerbates when moving or even awaken in the middle of the night – this is an excuse to see a doctor immediately, as they may indicate an appendicitis or gallbladder. Never relieve abdominal pain and try to endure it, consult a doctor immediately.

sudden changes in vision

small aunts, clouding of vision or its rejection – all this should be an immediate reason to see a doctor. Retinal detachment, stroke and even diabetes can all cause sudden changes in vision. And remember, the longer we postpone your medical treatment, the greater the danger of our health may be.

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Author: alex

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