7 symptoms that you need to urgently consult a gynecologist
Preventive examination twice a year, regardless of age and self-care. But if you notice at least one of these symptoms, you should make a doctor immediately.
We all know that a gynecologist should visit at least twice a year, once a year to take smears and be tested for oncocytology. But there are several symptoms, noticing which it is important to enroll in this doctor: they can warn of acute conditions or serious diseases that develop, including some forms of cancer. So, if you notice any of the following symptoms as soon as possible sign up for your gynecologist.Small bleeding between menstruation is characteristic of many women, and if it is scanty and lasts one or two days, most likely, it does not mean anything wrong. But if the bleeding is abundant and prolonged, it is important to see a doctor immediately: it can be a symptom of pelvic infection, cysts, fibroids, polyps or, in more rare cases, cancer. In addition, bleeding during pregnancy can be a sign of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy.Unfortunately, many women are forced to tolerate convulsions and pain once a month. But if they deprive you of working capacity and put in bed, it can warn of a serious problem. It is especially important to consult a doctor if severe pain begins at a later age or pain increases or changes over time. Often this can indicate the development of a benign tumor – fibrosis.
Pain during sex
Pain during sex in women is a common problem and in most cases can be solved with a properly selected posture or more generous grease. But if it does not help, you should consult a doctor: the cause may be endometriosis, fibroids, inflammation of the cervix that develop or even rupture of the ovarian cyst. In addition, prickly pain or burning may indicate vaginism.
increased vaginal dryness
If this is your constant problem, you should consult your doctor. After all, the cause may be hormonal changes caused by menopause or PCOS.Regular secretions that usually appear in the middle of the cycle usually have no odor. They should not be worried – it is a normal manifestation of the body. But if there is an unpleasant fish smell, especially if it is accompanied by a change in the color of discharge, itching or vaginal irritation, you should consult a doctor. Such symptoms can indicate infection such as bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis (widespread STIs) or yeast infection. But it can also indicate ovulation, polycystic ovarian or early menopause, so it is important to consult a doctor.
vaginal edema, itching or pain after sex
pain, which occurs in a case or more than a day, and does not last a day. Sperm allergy. If the symptoms do not disappear within a few days, then you should consult a doctor: the cause of the symptoms may be a vaginal infection.
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