7 tips for people who sweat too much
All people sweat is a fact. After all, sweat is a natural physiological thermoregulatory reaction of the body. If a specific clear liquid is released, the body is working properly. But there should be a limit to everything.
Too much sweat can be released during physical exertion, in the heat, under stress. But if you just stand, and the sweat flows in hail, although there are no factors that contribute to this, then this is a reason to think – what went wrong in the body? Keep seven tips for people who sweat too much.
Tip 1: Get rid of stress
One of the most common causes of excessive sweating is stressful situations. The peripheral nervous system and its condition affect sweating. If you are constantly in a state of nervous tension, then increased sweating should not be a surprise.
Tip 2: control the hormonal background
Often people sweat a lot due to changes in the hormonal background. Taking hormonal contraceptives, puberty. It often happens in adolescence, as well as in young people under 30 years old. It will not be superfluous to monitor the hormonal background and to be examined by a doctor in time.
Tip 3: choose the right deodorants
Deodorant allows you to get rid of external signs that a person sweats a lot. The choice in modern stores is quite large, so choosing something suitable will not be a problem. Just remember that some components of the product are allergens, so you should be more careful. Antiperspirants are stronger agents that should be used sparingly, especially in the heat. The fact is that sweat is released by about 40% less, but germs are not destroyed. Antiperspirants with alcohol dry the skin, but do not disinfect it. Therefore, a deodorant is more correct, as it reduces the risk of possible purulent skin diseases.
Tip 4: Take good care of your skin
Increased sweating forces a person to take more care of the skin in the area of the armpits, including. Such people have an increased risk of developing fungal diseases, so it will not be superfluous to seek advice from a dermatologist.
Tip 5: get tested for fungus
Many are you sweating As we have already said, the probability of “getting” a fungus is high. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to undergo an appropriate examination. The fungus is able to cause changes that increase the secretion of sweat. The infection usually begins as reddened skin.
Tip 6: Wear light-colored clothing
Wear light-colored clothing in hot weather, as it reflects sunlight . In this way, you can avoid heavy sweating. And you don't need to forget about taking a shower to wash away the signs of your problem.
Tip 7: use medicinal products
Yes, excessive sweating can be saved some medicines. But only a doctor can prescribe them. To do this, it is necessary to undergo an appropriate examination. At the same time, it is worth drinking medicine only in case of real pathology, and not one-time strong sweating.
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