7 Tips on how to protect from a stroke
The main factors that make us more vulnerable to stroke are age and heredity. Of course, you cannot return years or change your family history, but there are many other factors that increase the risk of stroke and control them. Of course, if you know about them. We found out all about stroke.
Why does people have a stroke?
Scientists have found that in 85 percent of cases, hypertension and hypertension are considered to be the causes of a person in a person. It is after that that hemorrhage occurs in the body, hematomas and clots are formed, which lead to swelling and development, the so -called, stem syndrome. In addition, there are several processes at the same time: pressure increases, aneurysms and malformation appear.
If you know that a particular factor in your health increases the risk of stroke, you can take steps to mitigate its consequences. It is important to know if you have heredity. Try to reduce blood pressure
high blood pressure is an important factor that doubles or even four times increases the risk of stroke if not controlled. Hypertension is considered a common factor that increases the risk of stroke, it just needs to be monitored.
Your ideal goal: Support of blood pressure will not reach 120/80. But despite certain individual characteristics, for a certain category of people it is necessary to follow other framework (for example, 140/90). Let you get into your habit daily eat plant foods, whole grain dishes and low fat dairy products.
Fish should be consumed several times a week. More exercise: you need to play sports for at least half an hour a day (if possible – more). Quit smoking if you do it. If necessary, take your blood pressure (self -medication can harm your health).
2. Get rid of overweight. Note that the loss of even five kilograms will significantly reduce the risk of stroke.
Your goal: Keep your body mass index at 25 and less.
what to do: Try to eat from 1500 to 2000 calories a day. Follow the amount of exercise and try to actively spend time: walk, give up an elevator, find a sport that is right for you and do it regularly.
3. Sports, Sports and Once again Sport!
Physical exercises not only contribute to weight loss and lower blood pressure, but regardless of these factors have a positive effect on reducing the risk of stroke.
Your Purpose: To exercise moderately at least five days a week.
What to do: walk every morning after breakfast. Enroll with your friends in a fitness club. During your workout, reach the level where you breathe hard, but you can still speak (this is an indicator of sufficient intensity of exercise). Use stairs instead of an elevator every time possible. If you do not have 30 consecutive minutes to train, break this time by several 10 or 15-minute classes.
4. Limit alcohol consumption
limiting the amount of alcohol can reduce the risk of stroke to a minimum. Studies show that if you consume a small amount of one alcoholic beverage a day, your risk may be lower. It rises significantly as soon as you start to consume more than two drinks a day.
your goal: drink alcohol moderateHow to achieve this: limit yourself to one glass of alcohol a day. Stop the choice of red wine, because it contains resveratrol, which has a positive effect on the heart and brain. Follow the size of your portions. It should not exceed the standard amount of drinks: 150 grams of wine, 0, 33 liters of beer or 50 grams of strong alcohol.
5. Be sure to treat atrial fibrillation
Atlapping arrhythmia is a form of irregular heartbeat that causes blood clots. These clots can then enter the brain, which will cause stroke. Fibrillation increases the risk of stroke by almost 5 times and should be taken seriously. You may need to take blood thinning drugs.
6. Treat diabetes
High blood sugar causes damage to the blood vessels, which makes clots inside them more likely.
Your goal: Do not increase blood glucose levels. Give up smoking
smoking affects the formation of blood clots in several ways. It thickens the blood and it increases the accumulation of plaques in the arteries. Together with healthy eating and exercise, smoking refusal is considered one of the most powerful factors that will help you significantly reduce the risk of stroke.
Your goal: quit smoking. This will have a positive effect on the body's condition. Use the methods he advises: nicotine -containing tablets or patches, psychological consultations. Don't give up. Most smokers need some attempts to quit smoking. Consider every attempt a step to your goal.
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