7 types of products whose use binds to an increased risk of cancer

sugar and sweeteners. In the last century, scientists concluded that cancers feed on sugars. In turn, fructose sweeteners contribute to the growth and spread of cancer cells.The study conducted by Hawaiian scientists found that regular use of bacon, sausage, sausages and other processed meat products is associated with an increase in the risk of pancreatic cancer by as much as 67%. According to experts, the carcinogenic effect is given by chemicals and preservatives contained in such products.

marinated and smoked products. extension of the shelf life. Representatives of science believe that these additives have the ability to destroy cell integrity.

artificially grown fish. Such fish are found in very close conditions. Since the risk of infection with various parasites is dramatically increased, fish are treated with numerous disinfectants, including substances with carcinogenic effect.

potato chips. of Medicine, frying chips at high temperature contributes to the formation of acrylamide carcinogen. Chemicals are added to such oils to improve their taste and smell. There are scientific data that associate their action with a double increase in the risk of breast cancer.

white flour. , but she has an extremely high glycemic index. The use of white flour products increases blood sugar and insulin, which contributes to the active accumulation of fat and metabolic disorders. All these are favorable conditions for the development of inflammation in the body, which triggers tumor processes. In addition, flour can whiten chemicals.

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Author: alex

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